Lunes, Nobyembre 12, 2012

Long time no Blog PAARTUUHHH 2!!!!

Okay.. so again I was not able to blog about anything lately I have been cramming every series I promised I would watch and apparently it isn't very healthy. This past month I have done nothing but be a bum ever since I quite my Job all I did was watch Gintama, watch US series, read manga, read comics, eat, sleep, and look for training for pre employment requirements. It is amazing I manage to gain all the weight I lost that is how unmotivated my life right now is all I do is the same routine over and over again. I do sometimes study the folk lore and legends of multiple cultures but only if i stopped being lazy for a moment and decide to do something other than that nothing I do absolutely nothing the sad part is I don't even get enough rest. I don't know whats wrong with me I lost all motivation but I guess I can't complain that just how life goes I manage to ask mom about a new Gaming PC though she said yes so I'm happy about it I might get it in a few months or so but still gotta keep my fingers crossed.

So yeah  have no source of income now no savings since mom asked for my money and I don't think she has any plan of paying me back but what would I expect normally she disappoints me but I am used to it. I just want to move on with my life get all the training I need and be the best whatever I can be... be? doesn't if you know what I mean. I also stopped playing guild wars since the FUCKING LAG keeps getting me killed and the laptop which s owned by my brother is occupied by none other than my brother who apparently is very busy right now. Right now I don't know My room is being used by a Priest who is our guest for a few days so I haven't been using my room which is sad cause its my room. The Good thing though is I manage to find someone who sell SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI games so I am happy for that and I have more time to draw which sometimes bothers me because I'm not consistent in practice and what comes out is shit but no one gets to be Da Vinci in a Day so patience patience.. I gotta lay off FB...

Buy for now.. I want to say this not to any one it just came out of my mouth spontaneously I HATE EVERYONE!

Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2012

Style and Clothing!

Lately I've been trying new styles of clothing for my self to try and improve what I already have I guess for a new and edgier me. It was fun trying out new stuff and they said it fit me so next was I tried to look the part well my body that is I worked out and stuff I lost the wait but gained a few again but i guess its okay I'll try and lose it again. so yeah this is the Blog I'm following right now when it comes to clothes

You should check him out his street fashion is cool and looks good though some aren't really applicable to me i try to get what I need and I guess this is my way of giving credit :)

Biyernes, Setyembre 28, 2012

Post Long Due...

I haven't posted anything lately because of my hectic schedule haha really I just didn't feel like posting anything since I felt tired the entire week trying to keep up with my work schedule which is from 5pm to 2am and it really takes a toll on your body and Immunity and takes the motivation out of you but I have been happy with my daily life. The days really have been very draining for me since I get home really late and I still have to talk to someone when I get home so I sleep around 3:30am and I wake up around 10:30am so yeah I had my body clock mixed up. My diet as well has been poor since I stopped eating vegetables again and I eat less.

Most of my time has also been alotted for playing Torchlight II whch is an addicting dungeon crawler, Diablo III and Guild Wars 2. I don't even have time for facebok no more I just log-in check then Log out I dont even bother reading some of the blogs I follow anymore I have reverted back to my old ways playing and texting. A great part of my days as well is my cellphone I have been texting non-stop for the past 2 weeks of my life it has become more of an daily since I have to make contact with a lot of people and get in touch with to keep myself intouch with the happening outside work and the life of  people I owe money.While this was going on I have gained a new responsibilty of going to school on a schedule atleast thrice a week for a lunch to accompany a special someone.

So yeah I decided to post today since I felt like haven't posted anything since forever. I felt guilty for leaving blog empty like some toy I got tired of playing with. But I will post A lot more during the weekend since I will get my salary so that can only mean new adventures for me for a week then I'm bankrupt again haha! so yeah I a have fun weekend planned again all regarding food since my last salary all went into clothes and dating.. Btw Thanks to Lyza for reminding that I tsill have a blog haha

Biyernes, Setyembre 21, 2012

I found something a midst of my stormy life..

In the midst of my storms i found something I thought I wouldn't find at first i thought I was only being with it so that I could be sheltered from the raging winds of my stormy life. It was just a simple conversation that escalated quickly I guess she was blessing the calm after the storm and I think I will keep her even forever and I consider my lifetime with her a possibility even in a short while.

She makes me Happy...

Linggo, Setyembre 16, 2012

Biyernes, Setyembre 14, 2012

And with that we Move on...

I have my Guild Wars 2 already I bought new clothes and new shoes for myself and now I am officially an R.N. I can get my PRC ID by September and with all of that I can say I am not genuinely happy. Surprising really I mean I worked hard for all of those things but no I am not that happy I mean what you would say genuine like that when you wake up in the morning you can smile, you can be inspired always energized like I used too.

I guess I've been curled up in my thoughts trying to keep out my feelings from exploding out because I haven't really much given time for it I drowned myself in things to keep me preoccupied. I haven't really enjoyed anything since that day its been only a few weeks but it seemed like forever. I never bothered cause I thought it was okay but it ate me slowly inside I still think of her though like I wonder how she is doing because I haven't really tried to get in touch of her even look at her facebook.

Its not really her its more of a me problem I guess I cling to much on the idea that I could be with her but i went and messed it up. I guess I have to move on if I want to be happy again but It's not an easy but I have to I mean it won't kill me but it would seem like I'm being dishonest with myself but its would be the right thing to do. I'd rather lose a chance to be with her than totally lose her. In a sense its totally lost she probably hates me... hahaha She has the right too....

and with that.. moving on....

Huwebes, Setyembre 13, 2012

Blogging at work

I have been very busy this past days with all the stuff that has been going on in my life lately. I have so much to talk about I don't know where to start. This week has been crazy I want to really flip over I have no Idea what to do so I just went with the ride, I had a fight with mom, went crazy over board, drank, partied, and try to forget this growing pain in my chest and lately i have been developing symptoms maybe it has something to do with the stuff I have been doing I don't know trying to kill my thoughts I guess.

I felt so haunted with stuff with this past week I jus want to shut down and die at some point like today I woke up tired not wanting to go to work and looking at the ceiling telling myself over and over again "DIE!" but really I could never bring myself to pull the switch to send myself to death's sweet embrace I have to much in life to throw it away I mean i'm not into taking the easy way out. Well its a good thing I was able to access my blog here in the office even with its unrelenting firewalls and restrictions. I just want to scream right now and punch something something I have been wanting the entire week yet I act as if nothing is wrong even though my head is going through hell. I have been doing things I am not very proud of but what can I say I am not myself lately.