Lunes, Nobyembre 12, 2012

Long time no Blog PAARTUUHHH 2!!!!

Okay.. so again I was not able to blog about anything lately I have been cramming every series I promised I would watch and apparently it isn't very healthy. This past month I have done nothing but be a bum ever since I quite my Job all I did was watch Gintama, watch US series, read manga, read comics, eat, sleep, and look for training for pre employment requirements. It is amazing I manage to gain all the weight I lost that is how unmotivated my life right now is all I do is the same routine over and over again. I do sometimes study the folk lore and legends of multiple cultures but only if i stopped being lazy for a moment and decide to do something other than that nothing I do absolutely nothing the sad part is I don't even get enough rest. I don't know whats wrong with me I lost all motivation but I guess I can't complain that just how life goes I manage to ask mom about a new Gaming PC though she said yes so I'm happy about it I might get it in a few months or so but still gotta keep my fingers crossed.

So yeah  have no source of income now no savings since mom asked for my money and I don't think she has any plan of paying me back but what would I expect normally she disappoints me but I am used to it. I just want to move on with my life get all the training I need and be the best whatever I can be... be? doesn't if you know what I mean. I also stopped playing guild wars since the FUCKING LAG keeps getting me killed and the laptop which s owned by my brother is occupied by none other than my brother who apparently is very busy right now. Right now I don't know My room is being used by a Priest who is our guest for a few days so I haven't been using my room which is sad cause its my room. The Good thing though is I manage to find someone who sell SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI games so I am happy for that and I have more time to draw which sometimes bothers me because I'm not consistent in practice and what comes out is shit but no one gets to be Da Vinci in a Day so patience patience.. I gotta lay off FB...

Buy for now.. I want to say this not to any one it just came out of my mouth spontaneously I HATE EVERYONE!

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