Martes, Agosto 28, 2012

Consistency or Annoying?

When does consistency become annoying?

A question I often ask myself I am an annoying person because sometimes I don't know whether I am over doing something like am I caring to much or am I caring to little. I have always had problem with control in limiting.

Really I get this problem most of the time i over step my boundary most often that I drives people away when I try to help I tend to over do it that I reach a point of being nosy and it saddens me I hate that about me. Some times I care to little that in the later run it gives me a guilt trip.

Example right now I like someone but i don't want to drive her away that's why I am being careful but I don't want to over do it so how should I do it...

I often lose my mind because of this so indecisive...

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