Linggo, Agosto 26, 2012

The Artist

     Ever since I can remember I have always loved to draw i have this fascination to create things with my hands. I tend to think that the pencil and paper are the extension of my being because with that I can't help but express myself in more ways than one. The way I draw will show you how I am and it often show you how I feel with the strokes, the things I draw, how the character look and many more. I started drawing Superman with a stick figure and a cape that was back when I was 4 or 5 i think He had the Kiss me Knot hair and the S shield in his chest so basically I'm guessing superman was one of my first super hero. 

I can draw as many things as I want and my Mama would say I had a creative mind and I would draw any paper as long as I have a ball pen or pencil even in class I would draw. My inspiration back then was the cartoons I watched it gained my interest and how one day i want be able to become a cartoonist well at some point. I watched Spider-Man then`and it got me more into drawing.I drew him most of the time it was in way difficult for me since I am not really a good though I guess it was because of my obsession with drawing that I developed through repetition. Everyday I would draw something but as I grew old I lost time for it still I draw with most of my inspiration coming from cartoons and anime. Then came Dragon Ball that was what woke me up to the bulky figures and also a step to practicing my accuracy in anatomy though I thought it was good and others seems to think so as well but for some reason I was never satisfied and I kept at it.

Then in Grade 4 in Sacred heart I managed to procure a comic book for 20 pesos it was old It was a 1997 printing of the Spectacular Spider-Man with Ben Reilly as Spider-Man rather than Peter and he was fighting Carnage. That comic book inspired me to make my own comics then it had bad art and story telling and had a bed scene man was I screwed up growing up but because of this first comics I made a friend and this friend bought the comics and now that started a 8 years friendship and till now he still is my best friend. It was nice that my drawing manage to bring me and a friend I would trust and be someone I would spend the happiest moments of my elementary and high school days with. Then came a long Niko this guy was the DEAL! He was Talent built in his hands I mean he could draw, he could paint, he could do anything with any art materials he has and  he was my idol and I also considered his skills as a challenge and at some point I would be able to keep up with him. I was behind him when it comes to talent and really as time went by I was left to eat dust since I wasn't really supported by my parents in my talents as Niko's parents was supportive on his.

Then in high school not much skill developed but I was able to develop the design of my first super hero he was my very own unique design though the ability was loosely based on Sedusa*PPG* but yeah it was twisted and had creatures based on mythology and many more. Then the rest of the years just passed by without me getting much stuff to learn with then 4th year entered we had a Great Teacher who I admired he was both good in English and Arts the only things I was good at in high school world literature and it kept me going but it was mythology that kept me hooked. He taught us how to sketch to basic design and stuff with still life I excelled in sketching and practically sucked when it comes to coloring. I AM COLOR BLIND! ever since i can't color I am the definition of SUCK! when it comes to coloring but Indian ink and calligraphy got me back and hooked I loved making lotus plants and bamboo and roses though lately I haven't done it for years. We also had an art Exhibit which gave me a chance to showcase my work. Then I realized it was near Niko and Kwinkee's work so yeah mine was kinda not so good compared to them. This Year I also got into Manga which Inspired me to be a Mangaka*someone who makes manga* and anime artist but I realized it would be hard if your weren't Japanese so there I had to go and give that up but making mangas were fun so I still continued with the idea. Some of the inspiration i had was from Art attack which I almost forgot I got into wire sculpting and paper sculptures I made monsters though mom threw some of it out and some got lost in the exhibit piece of a an history exhibit.

Then came college I was in nursing granting the wish of my mom this was where I met other people like me FRUSTRATED ARTISTS! That was me and Dru with Allen and JP who also enjoyed to draw but thought if their work inferior to ours hell i though Dru's was far better than mine his art was a style picked up from the artist of Full Metal Alchemist while mine was from D. Gray man with hint of Tite Kubo filled with violence and gore* I have always been fascinated with blood and pain and torture so yeah I am into "weird" stuff*. We had Logic with Sir Lataza or our group would call it ART CLASS! it was fun though we learned new things shared techniques. During this time my inspiration expanded from anime to games and many more I got more into Japanese themed art rather than equal in both western. Then I learned Niko took up animation and in what I saw Niko has improved so much min looked SHIT! compared to his beautiful masterpieces but that didn't let me down I kept trying I read books about it i scoured the internet then i started my obsession with correcting the anatomical anomalies of my drawing. Mostly all I ever did was practice when i had time I posted it on FB t have my friends critique it but i still needed to improve it was never good enough for me but rather sometimes I would quite in the middle of a project since of my temper which I am usually in control of maybe because of my frustration and considering myself as some what of a failure in art. Then finally i was introduced into the idea of digital art and I loved it computer and art together my two favorite things aside from food. basically its much easier to use as a medium but takes time to learn and it would require special tools but at least you won't have to wasted paper every time you would make a mistake. 

I was still in nursing while my brother took up animation he was like me and though openly admitted he was not as good as me and referred to me as one who helped him learn I still get annoyed by the fact that he got to took up a course that is related to art. I kept learning though I still teach him and he imparts his learning to me as well we traded information and techniques but sometimes we tend to disagree and he can be a know it all sometimes. It work to my advantage though I manage to learn new stuff unlike the last time I looked at it as an opportunity to learn some more. Then I came into the comic band wagon the buff and heroic unlike the anime of fantasy and pretty boy but i didn't regret it because somehow drawing anime is fun but can limit your potential for growth as an artist you set yourself confined to them. People thought of my drawing as okay since they aren't as into comics as I am they see my work as too buff and dirty since I use sketch and i tend to be dirty when working still I manage to improve time after time i improved so much in a span of 1 year still not enough though compared to Niko but he inspired me he was my Idol I wanted to be like him an one man animation production team with his vicious Marianing which took him 2 years and thousands of paper to finish but it was worth it i guess he was a Filipino talent i could be proud of. I met people like spike my brothers friend who's father is a national artist his works are godly if you ask me. Then it inspired me I want to bring back the Filipino comics like what Gerry A. a marvel ink artist and a comic book writer did with a 9 page Darna fan comic he is Filipino by the way and he is also mister Rape face in the internet. I want to gather my friends to bring the Pinoy Komiks back to life that is my dream or draw batman or my original character Gorgon* I made him when i was 8 he by the way kills his enemies* and as of now I don't know my tabetha broke*pen tablet* so I'm having a hard time practicing digital art so I have to do pencil drills and practice kazuma kaneko..* i love his art he is the artist of shin magami tensei and most often are based on different Norse, Indian, eastern mythology* Now I keep practicing hoping one day I will become good enough to be considered a real artist who can color.

I will sleep now I still have work later 9am and ist already 1:30 am goodnight Imma post again tomorrow

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