Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2012

A Fun test!

So yeah I learned something new today! I was in training like my usual day it was a fairly long boring day but I manage to pick up something new. This one is kinda like a test it's fairly easy so read the statement below:


You done? Don't cheat!

The statement can be read two ways it can be either of one:

A. HAPPINESS IS NOW HERE- If you read the statement this way then you are an optimist the positive thinker. You see the light in the darkest of situation example is that we see a storm you see an opportunity to take a bath. You are an unwavering bamboo tree in the midst of the storm and you are able to pull up hope even in the most bleak of moments. If you are this I salute you your are the sun in a stormy day you though its nice you it can cause people to be careless.

B. HAPPINESS IS NO WHERE- If you read the statement this way then you are what they would call a pessimist you are the opposite of the pessimist you put the negative in thinker! You see the worst or what bad could come from a specific situation like when we people see rainbows and unicorns you see a catastrophe that is about to start. It is not necessarily bad you just think of the worst thing possible so that you would be prepared to take it or not feel disappointed though you sometimes bring the rain to the parade. It can be an advantage  though you can be ready for all form of situations but really it can turn you into somewhat of a paranoid.

Okay so that's that! Honestly I was surprised with what I learned but that is up to you to guess so let's leave it at that I hope who ever read this*I doubt that anyone does* learns something new about themselves

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