Linggo, Setyembre 9, 2012

Shit lang...

I have this nagging feeling of something is a miss... I don't know I distant myself from people so far so good i haven't really left my room in a while unless i have to but after that I go back inside my room and stare at the wall or draw. It may sound boring but that's what gets me through my day of isolation it's a great think i have this as an outlet so basically I don't need to talk to people much now but yeah it gets pretty lonely. This strange feeling that's been growing inside me is starting to be a pest even if I drown myself entirely in developing concepts for my character creations and stuff that preoccupies me still it manages to get to me. I mean is this all the hurt I've been accumulating lately since I've been trying to ignore it. I have no Idea what to do again it really bothers the hell out of me. GAAAH! Why is her face popping in my head all of the time it seems like everything I try is an utter failure I guess I have to keep pumping my head with weird stuff to get her off my thoughts. I'm buying Guild wars 2 and a lot of games and clothes so that it can take me off of this trail of thought of her cause honestly it's starting to sting..

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