Sabado, Setyembre 1, 2012


I wasn't able to post anything last night I got home late and I felt to lazy to post so rather I bugged a friend on  my FB it was nice talking to someone to get yourself distracted from your thoughts. My thoughts are really bothered lately in a  good way not the bad way the things playing in my head is both are both scary but also the things that make me happy on cases and how scenarios will play out.

Earlier yesterday I was with a friend talking about it my feelings and my thoughts this friend of mine is someone who I can openly talk about this stuff cause she is honest with her feelings on things of which I can do. I have been having problems on expressing my feelings lately about this Special someone which have been on my mind for the past month and a half She keeps playing on my head like a song on replay. She is all I think of but when i am with her I am shaky, my palms sweaty, my heart beat rises, my leg weakens, and I get really really scared. I have never felt like this before I could compare it something before but this one is a bit different cause this one I could actually think positive that I have chance.

I am thinking about every move I make what should I do how would she react everything has been playing on my mind.

Though I find it really difficult I really am what you would term as a "TORPE"... but that will all change I will ask for her number and make my move..

I am scared very but I have decided and I know she is going to be worth it...

The song which i have been listening to the entire night and the moment I woke up

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