Martes, Setyembre 4, 2012

Potating.. :D

I was never really good when it comes to talking to.........

.......Don't read......

....girls I got better as i learned form pointers and mistakes I actually reached a point that I can talk to a girl I like easily with out messing up. I haven't messed up like this in a long while no matter how I plan it I just seem to mess it up.

I mean I had the feeling na she could be the one cause honestly i have never been inspired like this, I work harder, I work out everyday to loes weight with in 2 weeks I lost all the weight I gained during the summer, I try practice drawing I was never in this hype before and I could eat vegies now I mean even if I develop problems i would'nt care I had my entire fashion over haul so that I would look good I tried to ask for tips when it comes to courting funny cause I use to give them myself back then it seemed to work for them they have GFs now and are happy feeling ko dun sumisipa yung idea na kaya mong solusyonan sarili mong poblema. Well ayun nga I try not to fight my entire existance na hindi siya kausapin kasi baka maging makulit ako masyado kaso yun. I have never felt this way before for someone I thought I did before kaso as it progressed it got bigger. Di ako tulad sa iba I easily fall for a person but it is never about the looks because I can admire a pretty face and a sexy body but I am never that shallow fine once I did but yeah bad move haha! I also started blogging so that I could have an outlet for all this feelings I contained for her kaso wala rin when I started this I accidentally stumbled on hers I guess. Now She thinks I am an obsessive stalker I don't blame her I mean the way I act when I am around her is weird cause Honestly I am not what you would call normal and I cant act normal around her its near impossible kasi I am afraid and trust me its very hard to act normal when you have adrenaline pumping in your body I stutter when I am in that state I tried to calm down but yes I mean I can't think straight pag nasa stage ka ng fear na panic. She was the only person who made me feel like that and do that the if i was asking someone on date I would feel nervous pero hindi yung ganito ka tindi at number lang hihingin. I read her blog everyday not to stalk you but to understand her I liked listening to hear her talk about herself how she reacts to thinsg because she has a different perception of things her blog made me like her more I realized I chat with her more often cause I felt comfortable with her and without noticing it I pmed her a lot then again I pm people a lot thats why i tend to be annoying sometimes, when I went to school kanina no I didn't know her schedule I was asking around para alam ko san siya pupuntahan then i realized wag nalang I went to school nagbabakasakaling makita nalang siya and if ever makita ko siya ask it I wasn't sure If I would see her if I did sure ask her if not then its fine I didn't go to work that morning because I promised myself I would try to do something rather than just wait there. I am not really good with things I say I am more of a doer but I still suck at that so yes I read her blog about me Its not the first time was told like that she was being honest so Its okay. The time I was with her the one where we went on a mdical mission yes she was there i was happy i didn't expect her to be there since sabi ng friend ko tinatamad siya Honestly I was trying to evade her pero ayun.. and I really really like her pero I just messed it up so yeah I will withdraw.. think about things.. I guess I get to nosy when I care to much haha common remarks sa akin ng mga tao... oh well sorry about this

Please who ever read this please Don't tell her its not a plea or bragging about what I did I just really regret being so insensitive with her feelings patay malisya kasi ako lately na di ko napansin tama pala lahat ng hinala ko... I just really want to spout this out.. By the way kung umabot ka dito di mo binasa yung nasa taas...

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