Sabado, Setyembre 8, 2012


I am a Tokusatsu Fan I watch a lot of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai but mostly Kamen Rider and I am starting a new series Kamen Rider Wizard he is the latest installment to the Kamen Rider Series. So far it was good but I could see reused concept then again it is common. First I like his suite It has a mixture of design somewhat similar to Kamen Rider Hibiki and Kabuto but I think they placed together a good design for the suite. The suite also has different mode depending on the element which he is using which is a common trend now in the Kamen Rider universe since it can add extra to merchandising lol. Its theme is more of magic this time which I think is new for the series mostly because it has something to do with technology or ancient warriors I guess I like the Idea its fresh.

The Second one I would like to get into is his catch phrase most rider has a catchphrase like Kabuto which has may favorite catchphrase "I am the man who walks the path of heaven, Ruling you all" but there is also short ones like Fourze "Space-KITAAAAA!! but his is a bit simpler his is "It's Showtime". It has a simple taste and elegant which actually matches the theme of Magic like he is performing.

The transformation sequence an essential part of being a Kamen Rider, you cant be a rider without one, so yeah he has a cool transformation sequence where in the a Seal of Fire Passes through him and transforms him into a rider. In transforming like the rest of the riders he uses a belt but with something special a ring with magic which is new to riders like fourze but fourze uses switches.There is also a catchy Beat when he transforms but I wont post it now It causes my laptop to hang lol. Each element has also a sound when he transform like for fire it sings Hi Hi Hi, for earth its Don Don Don and Wind is Shi Shi Shi reminds me of laughs in One Piece haha.

Let's get into the weapon of choice it has the basic sword but can also transform to a gun which is not really used often. It can perform different finisher as well and has a big hand on the end of it so to trigger the finisher sequence or special attack sequence. The Design is pretty basic it looks like a gunblade but can move from both gun and sword and has a peculiar design for me but I guess its okay.

The enemies has good concept the "Phantoms" where they are born from the despair of people with great magic in them and they call those people "GATES" and here is the good part they DIE! to transform the concept of death hasn't really been used in Riders lately since their trying to tap into the young viewers. When they fall into great despair they start to shatter like glass and a monster bursts out of them. The design for the boss monster are good actually for Medusa and Phoenix but when it came to the first monster it looked okay like they didn't try much on the design but its just the beginning so I'm willing to give it a chance and the minoins looks okay its good their putting the concept back in a more regular basis. Did I mention that   Wizard is also a phantom? Yes it enables him to transform it reminds me of Kamen Rider Faiz

Now for the Finisher her has multiple finisher similar to riders of recent past. Since he has a weapon that can be changed into a gun and a sword he use both as a finisher and it depends on the element which he uses s so yeah that's a lot. Onto the Dragon part where he summons a dragon to fight in Phantoms its like Ryuki in a way and Den-O he needs the bike to control it though since it has the habit of losing control. Now for the rider kick It was okay I guess not as epic as the others but a flaming rider kick is a common used lately but he has his own but it is not so fluid for me it cuts a bit but it was fine I hope it gets better.

All in all I like it I'm giving the series a chance it's still in its 1st episode so I can see it getting better and so hear is the trailer

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